We are excited to announce 4th grade teacher, Ms. Jordan Suber, as our Teacher of the Year for the 2021-2022 school year. Ms. Suber has been teaching at LME for 7 years. Ms. Suber earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Early Childhood from Lander University in 2014. She earned her Masters Degree from USC in Educational Administration and Leadership in 2018. Ms. Suber added Elementary Education to her certificate in 2019. We are lucky to have Ms. Suber on the mountain with us. Congratulations to Ms. Suber!! #leadersmovingmountains
over 3 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Ms. Suber Teacher of the Year
Ms. Suber Teacher of the Year
Reminder, for all students who are currently face to face, Wednesdays will now be an in-person learning day. For students who are currently enrolled in Newberry One, Wednesdays will be synchronous (live) instruction days. This will continue through the reminder of the 2020-2021 school year. If you have any questions, please call our office at 803-945-7721
over 3 years ago, Reuben Elementary School
Reminder back 5 days
With Governor McMaster’s signing into law S.704, all schools will return to 5 days of instruction beginning April 26. For students who are currently face-to-face, Wednesdays will now be an in-person learning day. For students who are currently enrolled in Newberry ONE, Wednesdays will now be synchronous (live) instruction days. This resolution is in place for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year and for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year. We will continue to keep our current safety measures in place with masks, plexiglass, and social distancing until such a time it is deemed safe to discontinue these practices. Meal Pick-Ups for Virtual Students – students will need to notify the school’s cafeteria they plan to pick up meals from by 1:00 pm on Monday, April 26 and schedule a pick-up time for their meals for Wednesday, April 28. We will not be able to accommodate the open pick-up (10:00 am – 12:00 pm) as we have in the past.
over 3 years ago, Reuben Elementary School
Spring Pictures are this week! Newberry One will have pictures Wednesday, April 21st, Grades 3-5 will be 8:00-8:30 and Grades PreK-2 will be 8:30-9:00. Face to Face Students will be Thursday, April 22nd. Please see the attached information sheet which includes all package options. Please go to www.strawbridge.net and use code FM359890 to order your Spring Pictures. All pictures must be PREPAID at the time they are taken.
over 3 years ago, Reuben Elementary School
Spring Pictures
Spring Pictures
Wednesday and Thursday will be e-learning days. Students will return Monday, April 12th. Have a great spring break.
over 3 years ago, Reuben Elementary School
E-learning Days
The School District of Newberry County has partnered with Lovelace Medical Center to administer COVID-19 Vaccines to approximately 371 employees on March 31st. This will be the second dose for these employees. Due to the potential that some employees may experience negative side effects from the second COVID-19 vaccine, the school district will schedule an e-learning day for ALL students on Thursday, April 1, 2021. Teachers will provide asynchronous (not live) virtual assignments to all students, including Newberry ONE, for this day. Assignments will be posted along with the completion due date. The completion of the assignments will be used to determine student attendance for April 1. If parents or students have questions about the assignments, please contact the child’s teacher via email or through Schoology.
over 3 years ago, Reuben Elementary School
The Boys and Girls Club of the Midlands will be hosting a Spring Break Camp at the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer on Boundary Street this year. A flyer is attached with additional information.
almost 4 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Boys and Girls Club Spring Break Camp 2021
All School District of Newberry County schools and offices will be closed on March 18, 2021, due to the threat of severe weather. All school activities, including adult education classes and athletics, are canceled on Thursday, March 18. This will be an e-learning day for all students. Teachers will provide asynchronous (not live) virtual assignments to all students, including Newberry ONE students, for this day. Assignments will be posted along with the completion due date. The completion of the assignments will be used to determine student attendance for March 18.
almost 4 years ago, Reuben Elementary School
***Please view the attached image for dates to remember for grades 3 -5 for state testing***
almost 4 years ago, Reuben Elementary School
State Testing
Prek and kindergarten registration for the 2021-2022 school year for children entering public school for the first time opens on March 8. If you have a student that will be 4 or 5 by September 1, 2021 please register your student online using the 2021-2022 Pre-K & Kindergarten registration link found on our district web page. You will need the following required documents –Three proofs of residency, your child’s birth certificate and immunization record. For PreK, we will need one of the following for Income Verification: Medicaid Card, most recent check stub or food stamp verification. These documents can be uploaded online. Dial 4 testing will be required and your child’s zoned school will contact you for a scheduled time to take the test. If there are questions please call 803-321-2600 and ask for Dr. Beth Brooks or Ms. Jan Redden or contact your child’s zoned school.
almost 4 years ago, Reuben Elementary School
Pre-K & K  2021-2022 Registration English
It's Read Across America Week! 1 -2-3 Let's Read
almost 4 years ago, Reuben Elementary School
Read Across America Week
Information for Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten Registration (Spanish)
almost 4 years ago, Reuben Elementary School
Information for Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten Registration (English)
almost 4 years ago, Reuben Elementary School
Pre-K & K  2021-2022 Registration
Interim Pick-Up for Virtual Students
almost 4 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Interim Pick-Up
No School tomorrow, February 12th and, Monday, February 15th- Happy President's Day.
almost 4 years ago, Reuben Elementary School
No School  February 12th & 15th- Happy President's Day
Friday, January 29th There will be no school for students due to virtual parent-teacher conferences.
almost 4 years ago, Reuben Elementary School
No School - Virtual Parent - Teacher Conferences
Show your School Spirit! Order by Wednesday, January 27th 9:00 a.m. You can order by clicking the following link: https://myprintagon.com/product-category/little-mountain-elementary/ OR Complete the form being sent home with students and return with payment (cash or check made payable to LME) to the school by the deadline.
almost 4 years ago, Reuben Elementary School
LME Apparel
The School District of Newberry County will host its annual Recruitment Fair on Saturday, February 20 from 9 am - 11 am at Mid-Carolina High School. All open positions are posted at www.teachatnewberry.com. All Attendees will be required to wear a mask and social distancing guidelines will be followed.
almost 4 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Recruitment Fair
The School District of Newberry County congratulates Sarah Eades for being named Little Mountain Elementary School Teacher of the Year. Eades says her favorite thing about teaching in Newberry is "I love the support and the friendships that anyone can find throughout the district."
almost 4 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Coach Eades
Instructional Setting Change - Parents who wish to change their child's instructional setting are asked to complete the request at http://bit.ly/InstSet Parents will be able to complete the request until 3:00p.m. on Friday, November 13.
about 4 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary