Picture day is quickly approaching! Order your Spring Individual and/or Class Pictures now. Individual pictures will only be taken of those who have pre-purchased online. Class pictures may be pre-purchased or purchased after Picture Day.
9 days ago, Betsey Ruff
Spring Picture Day - March 18th, 2025
Purchase your Finding Nemo Jr. tickets in the Main Office at Little Mountain Elementary.
9 days ago, Betsey Ruff
Finding Nemo Jr. Tickets on Sale Now
THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEWBERRY COUNTY REGISTRATION FOR KINDERGARTEN AND PRE-KINDERGARTEN February 24 - March 7, 2025 Register online at: https://newberry-sc.finalforms.com If you live in the attendance area for Boundary Street Elementary, Gallman Elementary or Newberry Elementary and your child will be 3 on or before September 1, 2025, please follow the same requirements that are listed for kindergarten registration. KINDERGARTEN All children 5 years old by September 1, 2025, entering public school for the first time You must bring: Birth Certificate (long form) and Immunization Record 3 Proofs of Residency Mandatory (1) Current Fed. Tax. Return with physical address Current tax notice Mortgage Lease Required (Any 2) Automobile Tax or Registration Current power bill Current phone/cell bill Current water bill Cable TV bill SC Driver’s license PRE-KINDERGARTEN All children 4 years old by September 1, 2025, entering public school for the first time. You must bring: Birth Certificate (long form) Income Verification ie: Medicaid card, most recent check stub, SNAP verification and Immunization Record 3 Proofs of Residency Mandatory (1) Current Fed. Tax. Return with physical address Current tax notice Mortgage Lease Required (Any 2) Automobile Tax or Registration Current power bill Current phone/cell bill Current water bill Cable TV bill SC Driver’s license *You may upload your proofs of residency, birth certificate and immunization record using the online registration application. Questions – please call 321-2600 Dr. Beth Brooks, Mrs. Edlin Del Valle, or your zoned school.
17 days ago, Bucky Ware
PreK and Kindergarten Registration Information
Spanish PreK and Kindergarten Registration Information
WIDA Access Testing for Multilingual Learners
about 2 months ago, Betsey Ruff
WIDA Access Testing
MLP Family Drop-In, Connect, Grow, and Share.
about 2 months ago, Betsey Ruff
MLP Family Drop-In
MLP Family Drop-In (Spanish)
Due to the threat of winter weather and the resulting hazardous road conditions, the School District of Newberry County will have an eLearning day on Friday, January 10, 2025, with schools and offices closed. All activities are canceled for January 10. Teachers will post assignments for students to complete, but there will be no live Google Meets on this day. Students who do not have internet access will need to download assignments during school on Thursday. Students will have a five-school-day window of time to turn in eLearning assignments. Additional information regarding eLearning guidelines and expectations can be found at https://bit.ly/426hmBW.
2 months ago, Bucky Ware
SCDE responds to PowerSchool Data Breach Jan 8, 2025 Late Tuesday, the South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) was informed by PowerSchool of a cybersecurity breach involving its PowerSource portal. This was an international incident over which the state and local districts had no control. This breach resulted in unauthorized access to certain customer data from PowerSchool’s Student Information Systems (SIS), including data from multiple states and school districts across the country. During a meeting with PowerSchool’s senior leadership, they confirmed that personally identifiable information (PII) was compromised. The SCDE is currently working to understand the full scope of the breach. PowerSchool has stated that this breach has been contained and has informed the SCDE that it has taken steps to secure its systems, engage cybersecurity experts, and is also coordinating with law enforcement to address the breach. The SCDE is actively communicating with PowerSchool, legal counsel, and local districts to assess the full impact on South Carolina schools, students, and educators and to determine next steps. The SCDE is also in direct communication with the State Law Enforcement Division (SLED), the Attorney General’s office and has notified the Governor and legislative leaders. Commenting on the seriousness of this incident, State Superintendent of Education Ellen Weaver said, “The protection of our South Carolina students’ and educators’ personal data is non-negotiable. We fully recognize the anxiety this raises for them and their families.” She continued, “While PowerSchool has taken accountability for this breach, our Department will take uncompromising action to ensure we uncover the complete extent of this incident. We will insist that PowerSchool not only notify affected individuals but also provide them with credit and identity monitoring services." The SCDE will continue to engage and support districts and schools throughout this process as more information becomes available. https://ed.sc.gov/newsroom/news-releases/scde-responds-to-powerschool-data-breach/
2 months ago, Bucky Ware
FREE TO FOCUS Beginning January 6, 2025 The South Carolina Department of Education has released a policy that prohibits the use of personal electronic devices during the school day. The purpose of this policy is to create a phone-free school environment that fosters a positive learning experience free from electronic distractions. During the school day, students are prohibited from accessing their personal electronic devices. Students may not wear or access device accessories during the school day. This includes, but is not limited to, cell phones, smart watches, tablets, and gaming devices. MORE INFORMATION COMING SOON!
3 months ago, Bucky Ware
District-Wide Recruitment Fair! Saturday, January 25, 2025 Mid-Carolina High School 377 Cy Shumpert Rd. Prosperity, SC 29127 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. All positions: Teacher, Nurse, Child Nutrition, Bus Driver, Instructional Assistants, and other positions.
3 months ago, Bucky Ware
Recruitment Fair
Fall Picture Day is Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 24th.
6 months ago, Betsey Ruff
Fall Picture Day
Dress your best for Fall Picture Day, Tuesday, September 24th.
6 months ago, Betsey Ruff
Fall Picture Day
Please see the attached image for information on providing funds to your child's account for Friday cookies.
6 months ago, Betsey Ruff
Friday Cookies
Grateful for Grands and Grandfriends
7 months ago, Betsey Ruff
Grateful for Grands & Grandfriends
Open House
8 months ago, Kim Mack
Open House
The School District of Newberry County Technology Fee FAQ.
8 months ago, Betsey Ruff
Technology Fee FAQ
We hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! Don't forget to register your child for the 2024-2025 School Year!
9 months ago, Betsey Ruff
Registration Reminder
2024-2025 registration for PreK and new to the district K5 students will open Monday, February 26th and run through Friday, March 8th. Follow the link below to complete registration beginning Monday, February 26th. https://newberry-sc.finalforms.com
about 1 year ago, Betsey Ruff
2024-2025 PreK-K5 Registration Information
Deadline to purchase the optional Technology Insurance (alternately referred to as “Technology Fee”) is Friday, September 1. The yearly $25 cost covers the first iPad or laptop repair free. Certain first time repair or replacement costs without insurance could exceed $600. The $25 may be paid directly to your child's school. For more information, please refer to pages 16-17 of the 1:1 Technology Handbook. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1079/NMS/3370241/2023-2024_1_1_TechnologyHandbook.pdf
over 1 year ago, Bucky Ware
Tech fee graphic
Please help yourself to coffee and donuts in the conference room in the morning! PTO has it setup and ready!
almost 2 years ago, Leah Yarborough
Happy National SRO Day to the officers who keep our students, staff, and schools safe each day!
about 2 years ago, Bucky Ware