Homecoming Festival Thursday, October 19!
​Important Update: Mid-Carolina Varsity Homecoming Football Game and Fall Festival Rescheduled
"No Sweat" Scholarship Opportunity
Work Based Learning Students at MCHS
SCATE Conference News
Free PSAT, SAT, and ACT Prep Resources!
MODELS Academy Kicks off the 23-24 School Year!
MC Varsity Cheer Places 1st!
Senior Volleyball Players Honored
College Application Day held on October 6
C-Cats Program at Clemson University
Cross Country Team Senior Night
Veterans Day Program to be held on November 10
Parent/Teacher Conferences to be held October 13
Ms. Morillo's Classes Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
Homecoming Dance will be October 28
MCHS Competitive Cheer Team Places 2nd!
Swim Team Competes at Blatt