March 2 – 4, Mid-Carolina High School was proudly represented by sophomore soprano, Hannah Quattlebaum. Miss Quattlebaum earned placement in the Dr. Jeffrey Allen Murdock SATB choir that rehearsed from 9am to 9pm daily in preparation for a concert presentation Saturday, March 4. The selections of the Murdock SATB choir ranged from “Dies Irae (from Requiem)” by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to Stephen Manders’ “Under His Wings”. Hannah, along with over 175 participants of the SCMEA All-State choirs earned their spot in the All-State Chorus ensembles through a rigorous audition of Pergolesi’s “Alleluia” and sight singing adjudication. We are extremely proud of Hannah Quattlebaum and all of our students accomplishments as we continue to grow and build upon the standard of excellence that is Mid-Carolina High School.

Quattlebaum Represents MCHS at All-State
March 13, 2023